Thursday, May 27, 2010

The next American Idol is...meh.

American Idol crowned its ninth winner last night. But does anyone still care?

I know I don't.

I actually only watched the show during the first season (Kelly Clarkson woot!), but I at least followed the coverage of past seasons so I could be up on the current happs. But I couldn't even bring myself to put that much effort into it this year. With Simon heading out for greener X Factor pastures, I'm wondering if Idol's time is coming to an end. To be sure it's still the top rated show, but it doesn't seem to be having the culture impact as in years past. And with Simon gone and the talent pool seeming to be growing ever smaller, I think the end might be nigh. But this could be one of those instances where a tiny portion of the blogosphere declares something dead and it remains huge to the rest of Americans for years. It's just been off my radar for so long, I'm not sure what to think.

Are any of you guys still watching the show? If so, weigh in on what you think in the comments. And what's the deal with this Lee fellow? He seems cute, but I've never heard him sing and the folks over at Entertainment Weekly and Television Without Pity are not impressed.

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