Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Daze

We're past Memorial Day, May sweeps, and season finales. Also, So You Think You Can Dance has started back on FOX. This can all mean only one thing:


Let's hit the beach, yo.

But don't think that the blog will go silent this summer, oh no. There is still lots to watch and lots of news out there to be shared. Ausiello is already hinting at spoilers for the next season of Glee, and there is sure to be lots more news on new and returning shows.

And like any good student, I'm giving myself a summer reading watching list. So here it is, my television goals for the summer:

--Catch up on Fringe (I've only seen Season 1)


--Sons of Anarchy

--True Blood Season 2 rewatch (there are still some episodes in the middle I never saw and since I don't have HBO I may need to wait for the DVD for Season 3)

--Deadwood rewatch

Ambitious? Sure. Impossible? Nah. Not with my trusty Netflix subscription! I'm also kicking around the idea of getting into Burn Notice, but to be honest none of the USA network shows have really grabbed me. But still. How can I say no to Bruce Campbell?

What shows are you guys going to watch this summer?

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