Monday, July 19, 2010

Science and Mommy Issues = Win?

This is definitely the dog days of summer. We're in the middle of a record-breaking heat wave (with no end in sight), and it's so humid it's hard to breath. So what to do? Well, when I get home from a long day at the office, all I want to do is relax and vegetate on the couch. And of course, watch tv! But what to watch? After all, summer is the time of reruns. But maybe I can make that work in my favor.

A lot of my friends watch The Big Bang Theory. In fact, within a couple hours of meeting of people, when the conversation turns to television (as it often does with me), I get asked, "do you watch The Big Bang Theory?" I always have to reply with my canned answer; I know a lot of my friends watch it, I tried it a couple times and didn't really like it, it comes off as too sit-comy, the humor is too broad for my tastes blah blah blah.

But tonight I'm giving it another try! The show is rerunning the episode The Maternal Congruence, for which guest-star Christine Baranski just snagged an Emmy nomination. I love me some Christine Baranski, and I'm kind of hoping the Christmas theme of the episode will help distract me from the mind-numbing heat. I'm optimistic that I will finally become a fan of the show and can join in the fun. So you should watch with me (tonight at 9:30 on CBS) and I'll make sure to report back and let you know if I'm finally a convert!

Super Mom will make it all better. And possibly crush you with her love.

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