Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The triumphant return of Glee

First thing in this squee-cap, let me just get something out of the way...


Glee, if you keep giving me adorable gay men, I won't leave. You're only encouraging me, and I'll never learn to get by on my own. But, I'm OK with that.

Last episode ended with a cliffhanger - on her way to Rachel and Finn's wedding (yawn), Quinn ran a stop sign and got into a car crash. This episode, we find her in a wheelchair, but she keeps a optimistic outlook and promises to be up and dancing for Nationals. Predictably, Rachel tries to make the situation all about her, but eventually stops talking. THANK GOD. Artie teaches Quinn wheelchair tricks, and bonding happens - hooray! But he also suggests that she might be in denial. What if she doesn't walk again... dun dun DUN!

The rest of the episode was Blaine-centric, which you know I love. Blaine is tired of living in the shadow of his big brother, Cooper (OMG Matt Bomer). The only solution - confront him through song! Duh. Blaine and Cooper do a kick-ass Duran Duran mash up, then a cover of Gotye's Somebody That I Used To Know. Sock Monkey, my squee-cap companion, and I just had to get up and dance. 

He looks a little like this, except he's the size of a 4- or 5-year old child. 
Yeah, he's a bit "uncanny valley." But he's soooooo snuggly...

And I guess we continued on the Rachel/Finn storyline, as well... they didn't end up getting married, because it seems that the news of Quinn's car accident reached them four or five seconds after the fact, and it stopped the wedding. Now we're back to the will-they-won't-they-make-it uncertainty of the last story arc. Joy.

Finn: "I just need you to be really sure that you're in love with me, not who you want me to be!"
Me: What does that even...? Oh, who the hell cares.

 And just so I don't end the post without a single picture from the actual show, 
here's some gratuitous Kurt. You're welcome!

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