Thursday, October 7, 2010

Empire Strikes Back

Sunday was the third episode of HBO's new series Boardwalk Empire. For those die hard HBO fans, this show has taken True Bloods Sunday night slot. I waited until the third episode to review it because I was wanted to make sure I got far enough in to give an objective perspective. So far, its good. I am not going to lie I set the season pass to continue to record, but I am lacking that desire to run home and watch it.

For those of you who haven't seen the 1000 commercials on HBO Boardwalk Empire centers on Atlantic City in the prohibition era. If you have been missing the Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire is a good alternative. It centers on AC's town Treasurer, Nucky Thompson (played by Steve Buscemi) foray into the underground alcohol ring. It follows several of the gangsters in his crew as well as his family that makes up the town's sheriff and muncipal offices.

For me, the highlight of the show is the return of Michael Pitt to television. According to IMDB Pitt has been working on various projects here and there, but die-hard Dawson's Creek fans will remember him as Henry Jen's boyfriend. On the Boardwalk he plays, young Jimmy Darmody who has returned from war a rough and changed man with great asperations. So far he has teamed up with the infamous Al Capone to make some dough smuggling booze. Geez this show has me writing like a gangsta!

As a whole I am enjoying the show. Much like the appeal of Mad Men, Boardwalk is a great display of a show that is essentially a period piece. I am enjoying getting a glimpse of AC in the era. It is interesting the detail they have gone to to make you feel like you are in the roaring 20s.

The plot can be a little dry and show can drag at times, but I am pot committed. My main criticism is that perhaps is Buscemi is too old for the part. He has not aged well.

Check it out on Sunday Nights!

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