Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I didn't hate Glee this week!

Yay! I know we all look forward to my ranting and loathing of glee. But this week I was incredibly satisfied by both the plot and the songs of this week's episode of glee.

For those who have not seen it...**Spoiler alert** Don't get me wrong, there was still some of the same choppy plot development I have been complaining about. For instance Britney and Santana hooking up (girl on girl action for the few straight male viewers) was kinda random and the Britney/Arnie bit was surprising. Though I did enjoy the interaction between them. It was shockingly honest, especially when talking about sex. It was the first episode this season where I felt there was actual character development.

The highlight for me HANDS DOWN was the Mike Chang duet! Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) and her new boyfriend Mike (Harry Shum, Jr.) performed, as a duet as the title of the episode instructs, Sing! from Chorus Line. The duet was perfection because they highlighted a previously untapped resource in Harry. Normally seen as the behind the scenes dancer, it was nice to see Harry highlighted last night. For those of you not familiar song, its all about a guy who can't sing. I also did enjoyed the Rachel/Finn "Don't go breaking my heart" rendition, and it is still stuck in my head.

Additionally, I don't hate the new kid. Chord Overstreet (worst name ever) plays our new Gleer and romatic interest for Quinn is a decent actor and great singer/performer. I completely don't hate his addition to the cast. And as a complete side note, I think he would make a great Peeta (for those of you who get that feel free to comment).

I am EXTREMELY pumped for the Rocky Horror episode in two weeks! Are you pumped too!

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