Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oh gentle readers. I've missed you. I know you thought that your TV Sluts had abandoned you, but the truth is just that we have all been out of town. Hence the lack of updates. But guess what?

I'm baaaaaack.

I've spent the last week down in Florida where it poured rain (well for a few days anyway) and I was trapped in a rented townhouse with no internet. Can you imagine? What kind of rental property has NO INTERNET??

Thank god for smart phones.

But the good news is I am back and ready to go! Except I haven't actually watched any television in like 5 days except for The Golden Girls and Law and Order: SVU, my old vacation stand by. Not that there's anything wrong with those shows, but I don't think they really make for gripping entertainment blogging.

As I don't have any new shows to review right now (or really anything else to blog about), I've pulled some interesting tidbits from other sites that I thought you might want to check out. Enjoy!

--Entertainment Weekly tackles one of the questions that has been bugging me about Revenge: just hot old is Sammy the Dog?

--Jim Henson's The Storyteller has been on my Netflix queue for ages, mostly because I have vague memories of it terrifying me as a child. Who doesn't want to relive those precious memories? USA Today has a neat article about a graphic novel version of the show.

--Finally, Mo Ryan over at AOL TV announced in her Q+A column last week that the second season of BBC's Sherlock would be broadcast in the States starting May 6. Yay! More excuses for me to speak/type the name Benedict Cumberbatch. Which is seriously the best name of all time. Also: Bilbo as Watson! This show is just delightful.

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