Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sylar is faaaaaaaaaabulous!

Well, there goes another eligible straight man. Zachary Quinto (Star Trek, Heroes) has come out as gay.

I kid, I kid. Good for you Zach! Of course a lot of people had already figured this out as he had been photographed around town for a while with his "special friend" Jonathan Groff (Glee), but it was news to me and apparently a lot of other people.

On his most excellent blog, Zach said that his was inspired to come out by the recent suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer, who had made an It Gets Better video earlier this year. Zach stated that he wanted to "live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action." Sounds good to me, and good for him. I have a feeling this won't impact his career at all and all the publicity might even help it.

And well, a girl can still dream right?

Let's be honest: this doesn't change my chances of getting with him AT ALL.

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