Friday, November 25, 2011

Here we are, the day after Thanksgiving. I've had more pie than I care to admit (and tomorrow's morning run will make me pay the price), and there's been little blog posting or tv watching this week. Most of the shows have already had their midseason finales and we're now in the purgatory known as "winter hiatus." While it will give me a chance to catch up on some shows that had to fall by the wayside (Gossip Girl, Fringe), there's not a lot out there for a tv-lover right now--especially on a holiday evening.

But wait! What's that? Emerging from the television's shiny, and fabulous, and teetering about on ridiculous claw's Lady Gaga! Yes, the new queen of pop is here to rescue us from the doldrums of holiday programming with A Very Gaga Thanksgiving.

The show was a strange mix of classic holiday styling and over-the-top Gaga. I was actually surprised by the lack of cray-cray; but of course there was a bit. During a piano rendition of Hair, Gaga gradually added more and more wigs to her head until she resembled that dude from the kid's book about the guy who wore lots of hats.

That's the one. 

And I'm not quite sure how Bad Romance fits in with Thanksgiving. But it was the moments where Gaga demonstrated her jazzy swinging side that really impressed. The show kicked off with an appearance from Tony Bennett and a duet version of The Lady is a Tramp that blew my socks off. And around the middle, Gaga sang Orange Colored Sky to fit in with the autumn theme which was fabulous. Remember how Rob Stewart was releasing all those Great American Songbook CDs? After watching the Thanksgiving special, I hope that one day soon Gaga does the same. Our newest tv slut, Clovis, had it right when he said her voice was made for the blues. 

The special was filmed in Gaga's old elementary school--a private Catholic school that is apparently the most opulent school EVER. The special would cut between full dance and band performances (restrained from her usual pageant though) with diners sprinkled throughout, to Gaga at the piano alone or with just a few onlookers. There were also some segments of Gaga doing crafts with children, Gaga chatting with Katie Couric, or Gaga cooking with a famous chef; in Valentino no less. 

 Fried turkey and waffles...mmmm.

Oh, and as for the fashion: girl looked FIERCE. She pulled out the classy stops on this one--looking suave, expensive, and appropriate. I guess Grandma wouldn't really get it if Gaga hatched herself from an egg like on the Grammys.

In short, the special had a lot of surprises, some amazing songs, a couple of cheesy moments, and the telling of some pretty emotional stories, usually when Gaga was talking about her family. If you missed it I would recommend looking for it online--especially if you want to hear what Gaga sounds like unplugged with some real meaty American classics. And I don't just mean the turkey.

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