Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I can't fight this feeling any longer.

Late Saturday night, I performed one last Facebook check before heading to bed. As I was scrolling down through the usual posts and photos, I noticed a link posted by a fellow music-nerd.

"Glee" Star Cory Monteith Dead at 31.

I gasped. I clicked on the link and read the article. And then I was sad.

Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into some long post where I wax overly poetic about Cory or his character on Glee, Finn. But his death has saddened me, actually more than I expected it to, and I couldn't let it pass without comment. Especially since we here at TV Sluts have always embraced our Glee love, even through the show's more rocky episodes and plots.

I actually had two personal encounters with Cory Monteith. Well, I say personal...but it was from a distance. Anyway, before the first season of the show actually aired, I was fortunate enough to attend the Comic Con Glee panel and hear him speak. It was clear he was overwhelmed by the excitement the show was generating and loved to interact with the fans. The second time I saw Cory, was when I attended a live Glee concert in Las Vegas. It was one of the most fun and entertaining shows I have been to (no, seriously) and Cory's energy was palpable even from the back of the arena.

At its best, Glee is a frothy ice cream sundae of fun and music, and Finn was one of the two main characters. He was part of the original cast and a founding member of the new glee club, and his romance with Rachel made up the core of the show. I remember spending the entire first season rooting for those crazy kids to get together. Last season, the writers pushed the idea that Finn was the glue that held The New Directions together, and he became both a leader and mentor to the new generation of kids. Whether the show successfully established Finn in these new roles isn't the topic of conversation today, what's important to note is that Finn was at the center of Glee.

So what happens now? EW.com has a few ideas for how the show should proceed. I personally wouldn't hazard a guess as to what is in store for the Lima and New York gang. I don't think anyone expects Lea Michelle (Cory's real life girlfriend) to get back to business as usual, and it's clear the show is going to have to make some massive changes to rework the stories in light of Cory's passing. At this point, it's not even clear if Glee will be able to return in the Fall on the currently scheduled date since it is likely they have already done a substantial amount of filming.

The one thing that is clear, is that Glee will not be the same. Love him or hate him, Finn was a big old teddy bear and without him there wouldn't have been any glee club at all. I don't know much about Cory Monteith, but I have read many of the kind things his friends and co-stars have had to say in the past few days. I  know he struggled with substance abuse, but was always open about his difficulties and his time spent in rehab trying to conquer his demons. For that I respect him.

Before I end with a video of my favorite Finn musical number, I just want to express that if you or someone you know is dealing with a substance abuse problem, please help them. Whether it's recommending treatment options or just being a friend who can listen without judgment, you can help.

Cory Monteith--Jessie's Girl

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